Annual Day Function of DAE Employees’ Recreational Club Visakhapatna (DAEERCV) was celebrated with great enthusiasm. The presence of Shri. D Venkateswarlu, Regional Director as Chief Guest for the function made this day a great success. The other dignitaries present during the function were Shri P. Soundraraj, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), BARC, Visakhapatnam; Shri M. Nageswara Rao, Deputy Controller of Accounts (DCA), BARC, Visakhapatnam; Shri P. Sai Kumar, President, DAEERCV.

The proceeds of the Function are as follows:
- Welcome Address by Shri P. Sai Kumar, President, DAEERCV
- Report of Activities of DAEERVC by Shri Sanjay Singh, General Secretary, DAEERCV
- Address by Chief Guest Shri D. Venkateswarlu, Regional Director, BARC, Visakhapatnam
- Address by Shri P. Soundraraj, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), BARC, Visakhapatnam
- Release of Club’s Magazine by Chief Guest Shri D Venkateswarlu, Regional Director, BARC, Visakhapatnam
- Cultural Programme by Ms. Pinki Ghosh and Group
- Presentation of Memento by Chief Guest Shri D. Venkateswarlu, Regional Director, Visakhapatnam to Ms. Pinkin Ghosh and Group
- Prize Distribution to the winners by Chief Guest Shir D. Venkateswarlu, Regional Director, BARC, Visakhapatnam
- Presentation of Memento by Shri P. Sai Kumar, President, DAEERCV to Chief Guest Shri D. Venkateswarlu, Regional Director, BARC, Visakhapatnam
- Presentation of Memento by Shri P. Sai Kumar, President, DAEERCV to Shri P. Soundraraj, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), BARC, Visakhapatnam
- Presentation of Memento by Shri P. Sai Kumar, President, DAEERCV to Shri M Nageswara Rao, Deputy Controller of Accounts (DCA), BARC, Visakhapatnam
- Presentation of Memento by Shri P. Sai Kumar, President, DAEERCV to Shri S. Giri Babu, Security Officer, BARC, Visakhapatnam
- Presentation of Memento by Shri P. Sai Kumar, President, DAEERCV to Shri Venkata Ramana Ikkurthi, Scientific Officer, BARC, Visakhapatnam
- Presentation of Memento by Shri Sanjay Singh, General Secretary, DAEERCV to Shri P. Sai Kumar, President, DAEERCV
- Presentation of Vote of Thanks by Shri Rahulnath P. P., Joint Secretary, DAEERCV

Executive Committee is once again thankful to the participants (President, DAEERCV; Regional Director, BARC(V); CAO, BARC(V); DCA, BARC(V); AO-III, BARC(V); SO, BARC(V); Staff of BARC(V); Staff of Homi Bhabha Cance Hospital & Research Centre; Family Members of Staff), volunteers (Shri Manraj Meena, Shri Rajesh Sahu; Shri Sanyasi Rao; Shri Belli Nagaraju; Shri R K Mohanty; Shri Jituranjan P.; Shri Yadunath Bhagawat; Shri Rahulnath P.P.), Stage Decorators, Sound System Service Providers, Caterers, and Advertisers of Club’s Magazine for putting all their time and effort in making the programme successful. We shall look forward to make things still better in future by mutual collaboration and cooperation.
General Secretary, DAEERCV